2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Monday, April 30, 2007

A TV DoubleStandarddradnatSelbuoD !

So,...last night on Fox's "The Family Guy," a comment was made about plastic covers on the furniture and how the Griffin family doesn't "want to live like those Italians."

Now, since the Trekmedic is of Italian heritage, he takes exception to such a negative stereotype!

Where,...oh, where, is Monsignor Alberto Sharptoni, pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Punditry, to stand up and defend the rights of all Italian-Americans.

Where is Giuseppe Jacksonetti, and his horde of thousands of protesters, calling for the heads of anyone associated with Fox and/or "The Family Guy?"

Oh, yeah.....a side benefit of being an Italian-American,...we're secure enough in our own skins not to let a simple joke get the better of us!

Yeah,..I know,...its an Imus:

But its still fun to watch liberals squirm! (And most liberals won't get the sight-gag, either!)



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